Sacral Chakra Balancing

The sacral chakra is our energy center of pleasure, abundance, creativity, emotion, and nourishment. The divine feminine in all her power.

When out of balance: Ailments in our sexual organs and bladder, shame, rigidity, emotional blocks, money blocks, acting as the Martyr archetype who sacrifices their needs for the needs of others.

When in balance: Sexually empowered, going with the flow of life, open to receiving, emotionally intelligent, abundant in all forms, acting as the archetype of the Empress or Goddess who enjoys all the luxuries and pleasures of life.

Sacral chakra affirmation: I am open to receiving abundance in all forms. I go with the flow of life. My self worth is infinite.

This is the channel that (when balanced and open) allows abundance to flow in like water. And allows us to be like water as we navigate through our emotions, and the changing tides of life. Here are a few crystals that remind us to bring healing energy of vitality and pleasure to our sacral chakra:

🌜IMPERIAL TOPAZ🌝 The newest edition to our shop! November’s birthstone 💫


You can see all the sacral chakra crystals here <3

Roxanne Miranda